The Text
protocol Text {
func countLines(_ string: String) -> Int
func countCharacters(_ string: String) -> Int
func countWords(_ string: String) -> Int
func capitalize(_ string: String) -> String
func lowercase(_ string: String) -> String
func uppercase(_ string: String) -> String
func getUUID() -> String
func isLink(_ string: String) -> Bool
func findLinks(_ string: String) -> [String]
func URLEncode(_ string: String) -> String
func URLDecode(_ string: String) -> String
func encodeAsBase64(_ string: String) -> String
func decodeFromBase64(_ string: String) -> String?
const lines = $text.countLines('hello world');
$alert.info('Text Stats', `Lines: ${lines}`); // Lines: 1
Count lines in string.
const chars = $text.countCharacters('hello world');
$alert.info('Text Stats', `Characters: ${chars}`); // Characters: 11
Count characters in string.
const words = $text.countWords('hello world');
$alert.info('Text Stats', `Words: ${words}`); // Words: 2
Count words in string.
const capitalized = $text.capitalize('hello world'); // Hello World
Capitalize string.
const lowercased = $text.lowercase('HELLO WORLD'); // hello world
Convert string to lowercase.
const uppercased = $text.uppercase('hello world'); // HELLO WORLD
Convert string to uppercase.
const uuid = $text.getUUID(); // 21889372-7DCD-41C1-9E21-05B4EA26E25F
Generate a UUID string.
const isLink = $text.isLink('https://okjson.aoo'); // true
Test if string is a link.
const links = $text.findLinks('Visit our website at https://okjson.app'); // ["https://okjson.app"]
Find links in string with Regular Expression.
URL encode string
const encoded = $text.URLEncode('OK JSON is a fine app.'); // OK%20JSON%20is%20a%20fine%20app%2E
URL decode string.
const decoded = $text.URLDecode('OK%20JSON%20is%20a%20fine%20app%2E'); // OK JSON is a fine app.
Encode input as Base64 string.
const encoded = $text.encodeAsBase64('OK JSON'); // T0sgSlNPTg==
Decode input from Base64 string. The output will be undefined
if the string cannot be decoded.
const decoded = $text.decodeFromBase64('T0sgSlNPTg=='); // OK JSON